Friday, February 24, 2012

Bay City man's third trial in two months results in acquittal of sexual assault charges

A Bay City man’s third trial in two months has ended in him being exonerated of sexually assaulting a woman. A jury on Thursday found Thomas J. Moreno Jr., 23, not guilty of first- and third-degree criminal sexual conduct. Moreno’s trial before Bay County Circuit Judge Kenneth W. Schmidt began Wednesday. Moreno first went before a jury on the charges on Feb. 7, but that trial ended in a mistrial when jurors failed to reach a consensus on his guilt or innocence. Though Moreno testified in his own behalf during the first trial, he did not take the stand the second time around. Throughout the trial, Bay County Assistant Prosecutor Barbara J. Hayward argued Moreno on June 23, 2010, raped a 22-year-old woman in his house.

Read the full story here!

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